Types of Anxiety
The Common Types of Anxiety
Anxiety is an emotional disturbances that may encompass many different feelings and symptoms. Often, those with anxiety, or general anxiety symptoms will see a cross-over to other forms of anxiety. Listed below, you will find basic overviews for the most common types of anxiety. This can help you to idenfity what problems, specifically, you might be experiencing. In turn, you can find effective treatment solutions that can help you to cope.
Anxiety Attacks / Panic Attacks
Anxiety attacks are a very common form of anxiety and are often experienced as a result of worrying about everyday things in your life such as family, finances or your job. Initially, the worry may seem completely normal, but over time, you may begin to worry more and more about specific issues in your life. If the excessive worry continues, it may begin to cause numerous symptoms that may include increased heart beat, tremors, shaking, fear of dying, dizziness, light headedness, nausea, difficulty breathing, chills, fear of losing control and feelings of being detached from reality. Anxiety attacks are experienced by millions of people everyday. One in three individuals will experience an anxiety attack in their lifetime. Of those who experience an anxiety attack, 80% will continue to experience them on a regular basis. Seeking anxiety treatment is critical to finding relief.
Social Anxiety Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder is defined as a constant fear of being looked at or criticized by others. This is a very common anxiety disorder that is generally experienced in a work place or during get-togethers with others. If you experience anxiety at functions such as business meetings, parties or an evening out with others, you may have social anxiety disorder. This anxiety disorder is usually accompanied by symptoms such as distress, panic, a fear of the actual meeting or attempts to completely avoid being put in the situation. There are some simple anxiety treatment methods that can help you cope. Remember, if you don't seek treatment, chances are the social anxiety will persist.
Specific Phobias
Individuals with specific phobias usually display symptoms of anxiety when faced with a specific situation or thought. Common types of phobias include driving phobia, flying phobia, fear of heights and fear of dogs. Phobias are very common, with the latest research showing that over 1000 different types have been classified.
Panic Anxiety Disorder
A panic anxiety disorder is an anxiety related effect that is commonly characterized by repeated panic attacks. Individuals have a panic disorder may experience stress and worry on a daily basis, which may lead to severe symptoms including tremors, shaking, fear of dying, feelings of going 'crazy' and detachment from reality. If you have a panic disorder, then seeking treatment is absolutely essential for finding relief.
Social Phobia
A social phobia is another name for social anxiety disorder.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
GAD is probably the most common form of anxiety. It is characterized by excessive worrying about daily life that may include more than one specific circumstance. For example, if you have GAD you may find yourself worrying about the same things over and over, such as "What if I lose my job today? How would I feed my family?" , or, "What if my child gets kidnapped if I let him play with his friends?". Although these seem like normal issues that most people deal with on a regular basis, someone with GAD will have a constant worry and will not be able to get the thoughts out of their mind. Over time, this begins to affect how you act and may cause symptoms such as stress, insomnia, muscle tension, lump in the throat, nausea, clammy hand and even anxiety attacks and panic attacks. In fact, most people with GAD have experienced an anxiety or panic attack in the past. Anxiety treatment for GAD is available and can really help!
Agoraphobia is a less common form of anxiety disorder, but nonetheless, can be very debilitating. This particular disorder actually stems from having panic and anxiety attacks. Agoraphobia is the fear of having panic attacks in public places. If you go into a public place, and the fact the you fear a panic attack worries you or stresses you out severely, then agoraphobia is most likely the cause.
Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD)
Someone who has been through a traumatic life experience may suffer future anxiety and panic over it. Severe wartime experiences, for example, not only elicit anxiety and stress, they may induce flashbacks and panic attacks. Other post-traumatic conditions include rape or other sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and living through negative natural events, such as a devastating earthquake or hurricane. This form of anxiety disorder can be severe and more than likely requires some type of behavioral therapy with a professional.